Friday, December 17, 2010


Since I'm typing this one handed at 2:00 am on my phone. It will be short and sweet.

Lots of folks keep asking if I'm going back to DOOL. And I did go back for a quick show. And I also had lunch with Ali Sweeney and Patrick Muldoon, which really got the rumors to swirl.

Patrick for the first time in 15 yrs said he would go back to Dool. So, only time will tell if these rumors become a reality:)

Happy Holidays! Enjoy this special time of year!



Unknown said...

I really loved watching you when you were a permanent cast member and played Carrie Brady. I hope the rumors are true about you returning for this new year even if it just a short time. I hope that you return for longer though!

Anonymous said...

It would make my new year if you returned to DOOL epecially with Patrick Muldoon or Austin Peck!!! wishing you a fantastic new year!!!!

Health love and happiness


Rion said...

I would love it if you and Patrick came back to Days full time!

Are you allowed to tell us your exact airdate? We know it's February.

Thank you Christie!!!

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ChristieFan said...

So fun to see you on Days today Christie!! I hope you stick around for a while!

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